Tuesday, November 13, 2012

WALL-E ; Reduce, reuse, recycle reclaim


     This animated film was entertaining and I think Disney and Pixar did a great job in not only making the film but also incorporating an important topic into a light hearted, fun, kid friendly film.  The film took place in the future where human beings have destroyed Earth and evacuated the planet and although this film places it in the "futuristic world" this is very well where we are headed.  The film had an underlying message for the older crowd and minus the robots, this film has very realistic qualities on the fact that one day the we as humans can easily leave the earth covered in garbage.  
     The 4 R's reduce, reuse, recycle and reclaim represent the steps for responsible waste management.  These steps help to reduce waste of natural resources and cut down greenhouse gas emissions which are generated by transport and land filling.  One of the greatest sayings is " the easiest waste to manage is waste that is not generated in the first place."  The idea of reducing helps people think about their consumption and how much waste they generate.  The idea of reusing means finding a second life for a product and using it repeatedly.  Recycle means transforming waste in order to create new products rather than using new material.  Reclaim means deriving value that would otherwise go to waste from an item that has reached the end of its useful life.  Reclaiming is converting waste into resources such as electricity or fuel.  Reclaiming certain matter can be important in managing and controlling climate changes.  These 4 R's refer to taking material components and extending their life by re-incorporating them into a cycle of use.  By educating people on this idea and topic it will greatly impact the way people think about their consumption and will also impact those involved in waste companies to strive for the path of zero landfill.  This is great way to help our planet go green and to be more resource efficient.  It is important to understand that although one person can make a difference it, a group effort is beneficial and everyone should make positive choices not only for themselves but for the future and those who live on after us.  

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