Thursday, August 30, 2012

Course Impressions

     Going into the Colloquium course I am a little skeptical of whether or not I will enjoy it or find anything interesting.  I am also in the Nursing Program here at FGCU therefore it is also hard to set aside more time then needed to really get into this class as the nursing classess take up a lot of my time.  I think that it could possibly be intersting to get to learn about and appreciate the enviornment that we live in.  I am not a person who really stops and appreciates the beauty of nature and everything around us.  I love the outdoors however I am not the biggest fan of bugs, insects, lizzards, frogs, snakes and many other things that im sure we will encounter on our swamp field trips and on the nature hike next week.  I am actually excited because I believe this class will give me a whole different outlook than I do now and I think it will teach me many things that I will be able to apply and take with me for the rest of my life. 
     The Field trip to ECHO is the one I am most excited  for.  Being in the nursing program its is clear that I love to help people in any way possible.  I think with the ECHO field trip that I will not only get a better understanding of the world hunger crisis but also will be able to learn ways in which my everyday life effects the enviornment and everyone else including the wildlife.  Although it is hard to admit, we are all a little selfish in ways and tend to be too busy to focus on others.  We need to step back and take a look at how what we do everyday affects everyone and it is the simple acts that take no time at all that can help us create a better enviornment and world for everyone.  
     Overall, I think this class will turn out to surprise me and probably grasp my attention.  I think it is great that FGCU, especially due to its location and history is making this class mandatory for graduation.  It never hurts to be educated on the world around you and what little things you can do to help save it.  Although many see it as a waste of time I believe everyone will be surprised at how much they take with them.  Can't wait to get started with the semester. 

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