Thursday, September 13, 2012

ECHO field trip

Hunger is a problem worldwide that needs to be recognized and is something to be concerned about.  Many people are dying every minute when others that don’t deal with the issue are not even acknowledging the fact that it exists.  That’s why ECHO and its efforts are a tremendous step in helping people all over the world especially those that are less fortunate and economically unstable to stay well nourished.  What better way is there to help than in such a practical way.  The circumstances that people in third world countries are facing are overwhelming especially for the farmers.  So many how does ECHO make a difference?  They simulate conditions found worldwide and are able to teach those less fortunate how to work around those conditions to grow food.  They take real life situations and teach people how to survive off those conditions.  There are 3 main things that ECHO does which is educate /train, network and provide seeds.  I think ECHO’s efforts are incredible.  It is so nice to see such passionate people put in hard work for little in return except for pride and accomplishment.  You always hear about people asking why you are wasting food when there is people starving somewhere in the world.  Now that I have visited  ECHO it  puts things into perspective, gives that statement meaning and its something I will change.  It was shown to us on the tour that simple kitchen scrap could help feed worms which in turn help grow agriculture. 
This was a picture of the barrels in which we learned were able to allow energy to be made through the emissions

It was  here that we learned how goat manure was important and could be used as a fertilizer to help those in 3rd world countries grow food.  

 The farming tour was extremely interesting.  My favorite part was to see how many different ways there is to filter water, which can save peoples lives.  It’s amazing what you can do when all else fails.  The things they had set up to show us how people that are economically unstable can filter water, have agriculture, water plants, cook and make use of all the resources around them were eye opening.  These are all problems that us who live in the United States don’t have to deal with yet others do everyday.  I think it is great that those in the third world countries can be helped and taught to use all their supplies to a maximum and to make work with what they have.  It is the littlest things in this country that we take for granted and when looking at the efforts of ECHO to help stop world hunger it really puts things in perspective and allows me to be empathetic.  After the tour, it makes me realize that resources we take for granted are extremely valuable and its important to start making change and help for the better.  

1 comment:

  1. Laura,
    Thank you for being my student! You have restored my faith. I have just read 5 journals from our class and I was very worried. Your writing and thinking is great. Keep it up. I love the photos, too.
