Thursday, October 25, 2012

My ecological footprint

         After doing the ecological footprint quiz on I found out that to sustain my life that I am living it would take 4 Earths.  That is a ton!  When you think about it if everyone were to live this way that is when we tend to have a problem.  This is when I realized something needs to be done.  When reviewing my results I realized most of my problem was transportation which Is why i thought it would be interesting to do my second paper on sustainable transport.  I live two hours away in Miami and drive home almost every weekend, which is honestly unrealistic.  I also take many plane rides as my family is big on travel.  I believe I produce less trash than most people in the world and I live in an apartment with four other roomates and we try to consume as less energy as possible.  I also recycle and try do as much as I can to cut back on my transport such as car pooling or using public transportation whenever possible.  This quiz was important to take and I think it made a lot of my classmates recognize what they need to do in order to cut back and make a difference.  This put into perspective just how much nature my lifestyle requires.  it also shows just how selfish many of us are and how under informed and nonchalant we are about the fact that we are together depleting Earths resources.  Humanity needs what the nature provides  however just how much of that nature do we  have to use to sustain the lives each of us are living.  So have you ever thought about, whats your ecological footprint? take the quiz here and see how much demand you place on the Earths ecosystem. 

1 comment:

  1. Laura,
    I loved reading your entries. A very thoughtful and insightful journal. I enjoy your comments about the films. Keep watching and commenting.
    Prof Hoek
